Global X China Consumer Brand ETF

2806 HKD
9806 USD

Invest in 2806 /9806

Important Information

Investors should not base investment decisions on this website alone. Please refer to the Prospectus for details including the product features and the risk factors. Investment involves risks. There is no guarantee of the repayment of the principal. Investors should note:

  • Global X China Consumer Brand ETF’s (the “Fund’s”) investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors, such as changes in investment sentiment, political and economic conditions and issuer-specific factors.
  • The performance of companies in the consumer sector are correlated to the growth rate of the global market, individual income levels and their impact on levels of domestic consumer spending in the global markets, which in turn depend on the worldwide economic conditions, which have recently deteriorated significantly in many countries and regions and may remain depressed for the foreseeable future.
  • China is an emerging market. The Fund invests in Chinese companies which may involve increased risks and special considerations not typically associated with investments in more developed markets, such as liquidity risk, currency risks, political risk, legal and taxation risks, and the likelihood of a high degree of volatility.
  • The trading price of the Fund’s unit (the “Unit”) on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong is driven by market factors such as demand and supply of the Unit. Therefore, the Units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund’s net asset value.

Why Global X China Consumer Brand ETF?

High Growth Potential

Global X China Consumer Brand ETF enables investors to access high growth potential through companies that are positioned to benefit from consumption premiumization in China.

Unconstrained Approach

The fund’s composition transcends classic sector and industry classifications by tracking an emerging theme.

ETF Efficiency

In a single trade, the fund delivers access to dozens of companies with high exposure to consumption premiumization theme in China.

Fund InformationAs of 6 Mar 2025

Fund Inception Date 16 Jan 2020
SEHK Listing Date 17 Jan 2020
Fiscal Year Ending 31 Mar
Ongoing Charges Over A Year ^ 0.68%
Distribution Frequency Annually at the Manager's discretion (May in each year).
NAV Per Share RMB $41.41
Monthly Report
^ The Fund adopts a single management fee structure, whereby a single flat fee will be paid out of the assets of the Fund to cover all of the costs, fees and expenses of the Fund. Click to learn more.

Index Information 1 As of 6 Mar 2025

Underlying Index Solactive China Consumer Brand Index NTR 2
Index Type Net Total Return
Base Currency RMB
Closing Level 1,521.04
Change 7.48
Change % 0.49%

Trading InformationAs of 6 Mar 2025

Exchange Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Stock Code 2806
ISIN HK0000562634
Board Lot Size 50 Units
Trading Currency HKD
Total Net Asset Value $291,006,153.64
Outstanding Units 6,550,000

ETF Summary

The Global X China Consumer Brand ETF (2806/9806) seeks to invest in companies that are positioned to benefit from consumption premiumization and the rise of local consumer brands in China. These companies come from a broad range of categories, including beverages; food products; hotels, restaurants and leisure; textiles, apparel, and luxury goods.

The Fund is a passive ETF and seeks to provide investment results that, before deduction of fees and expenses, closely correspond to the performance of the Solactive China Consumer Brand Index NTR (the “Index”).

ETF Prices

* Market prices are provided on a 15-minute delayed basis by ICE Data Services. (See terms and conditions)

Daily NAV per Share5As of 6 Mar 2025

NAV Change % Change
Official NAV per Share in RMB $41.41 $0.20 0.49%
NAV per Share in HKD 3 $44.43 $0.22 0.49%
NAV per Share in USD3 $5.72 $0.03 0.49%

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Performance As of 6 Mar 2025

Cumulative Return Fund NAV (%) Benchmark (%)
1 Mth 4.06 4.11
3 Mths 1.24 1.39
6 Mths 23.72 24.21
1 Yr 5.87 6.66
YTD 0.39 0.49
Since Inception -17.17 -13.01
Calendar Year Return Fund NAV (%) Benchmark (%)
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- -
2022 - -
2021 - -
2020^ 41.72 43.26
2019 - -
^ Since listing date to the end of the calendar year.
Source: Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited.
• Past performance information is not indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the full amount invested.
• The computation basis of the performance is based on the calendar year end, NAV-to-NAV, with dividend reinvested.
• These figures show by how much the Sub-Fund increased or decreased in value during the calendar year shown.
• Performance data has been calculated in RMB including ongoing charges and excluding trading costs on SEHK you might have to pay.
• Where no past performance is shown there was insufficient data available in that year to provide performance.
• The Index of the Fund is Solactive China Consumer Brand Index.
• Fund launch date: 16 Jan 2020

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29 Dec 2023

  Sector Weight (%)
Consumer Discretionary 48.1
Consumer Staples 44.0
Industrials 6.5
Real Estate 1.2
Cash 0.2
  Sector Weight (%)
China 93.3
Hong Kong 6.5
Cash 0.2

Holdings Overview As of 6 Mar 2025

Total Net Asset Value (in HKD) Total Net Asset Value (in USD) Number of Securities Securities (%) Cash and Cash Equivalent (%)
291,006,153.64 37,445,959.76 43 99.76 0.24

Daily HoldingsAs of 6 Mar 2025

Name of Securities Exchange Ticker Exchange Market Price (in RMB) Number of Shares Held Market Value (in RMB) Net Assets (%)
LI AUTO INC - ADR LI US Shenzhen 199.65 120,619 24,080,985.48 8.88
TRIP.COM GROUP LTD-ADR TCOM US Shenzhen 460.14 49,649 22,845,481.40 8.42
YUM CHINA HOLDINGS INC YUMC US Shenzhen 357.13 51,575 18,418,975.70 6.79
WULIANGYE YIBIN CO LTD 000858 C2 Shenzhen 131.68 135,800 17,882,144.00 6.59
MIDEA GROUP CO LTD 000333 C2 Shenzhen 71.14 248,000 17,642,720.00 6.50
ANTA SPORTS PRODUCTS LTD 2020 HK Hong Kong 88.65 168,317 14,921,380.15 5.50
KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO LTD 600519 C1 Shanghai 1,505.98 9,300 14,005,614.00 5.16
H WORLD GROUP LTD-ADR HTHT US Shenzhen 268.75 42,737 11,485,694.52 4.23
HAIER SMART HOME CO LTD 600690 C1 Shanghai 26.43 428,100 11,314,683.00 4.17
KWEICHOW MOUTAI CO LTD 600519 C1 Shanghai 1,505.98 6,800 10,240,664.00 3.78
SERES GROUP CO L 601127 C1 Shanghai 134.87 69,000 9,306,030.00 3.43
FUYAO GLASS INDUSTRY GROUP 600660 C1 Shanghai 55.79 163,500 9,121,665.00 3.36
SHANXI XINGHUACUN FEN WINE 600809 C1 Shanghai 200.88 45,100 9,059,688.00 3.34
POP MART INTERNATIONAL GROUP 9992 HK Hong Kong 108.32 82,317 8,916,535.82 3.29
GALAXY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP L 27 HK Hong Kong 30.58 270,272 8,263,716.22 3.05
NONGFU SPRING CO LTD 9633 HK Hong Kong 34.30 222,144 7,620,490.08 2.81
NEW ORIENTAL EDUCATIO-SP ADR EDU US Shenzhen 351.99 19,612 6,903,162.59 2.54
WULIANGYE YIBIN CO LTD 000858 C2 Shenzhen 131.68 43,700 5,754,416.00 2.12
SHENZHOU INTERNATIONAL GROUP 2313 HK Hong Kong 55.28 102,036 5,640,383.25 2.08
SAIC MOTOR CORP LTD 600104 C1 Shanghai 16.65 275,000 4,578,750.00 1.69
MIDEA GROUP CO LTD 000333 C2 Shenzhen 71.14 54,200 3,855,788.00 1.42
HAIDILAO INTERNATIONAL HOLDI 6862 HK Hong Kong 15.87 222,926 3,536,883.66 1.30
GIANT BIOGENE HOLDING CO LTD 2367 HK Hong Kong 65.58 53,152 3,485,653.47 1.28
TONGCHENG TRAVEL HOLDINGS LT 780 HK Hong Kong 18.05 170,800 3,082,433.50 1.14
TINGYI (CAYMAN ISLN) HLDG CO 322 HK Hong Kong 11.60 209,785 2,432,737.83 0.90
EASTROC BEVERAGE GROUP CO 605499 C1 Shanghai 229.00 10,010 2,292,290.00 0.85
SERES GROUP CO L 601127 C1 Shanghai 134.87 16,000 2,157,920.00 0.80
CHOW TAI FOOK JEWELLERY GROU 1929 HK Hong Kong 8.19 212,808 1,743,722.30 0.64
PROYA COSMETICS CO LTD 603605 C1 Shanghai 84.43 20,200 1,705,486.00 0.63
SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNAT 600754 C1 Shanghai 26.53 54,700 1,451,191.00 0.53
JASON FURNITURE HANGZHOU C 603816 C1 Shanghai 27.38 37,900 1,037,702.00 0.38
OPPEIN HOME GROUP INC 603833 C1 Shanghai 63.15 16,300 1,029,345.00 0.38
HUALI INDUSTRIAL GROUP CO 300979 C2 Shenzhen 68.74 13,600 934,864.00 0.34
ZHEJIANG SUPOR CO LTD 002032 C2 Shenzhen 52.97 13,100 693,907.00 0.26
EASTROC BEVERAGE GROUP CO 605499 C1 Shanghai 229.00 2,890 661,810.00 0.24
SHANXI XINGHUACUN FEN WINE 600809 C1 Shanghai 200.88 3,000 602,640.00 0.22
PROYA COSMETICS CO LTD 603605 C1 Shanghai 84.43 6,400 540,352.00 0.20
SAIC MOTOR CORP LTD 600104 C1 Shanghai 16.65 32,100 534,465.00 0.20
OPPEIN HOME GROUP INC 603833 C1 Shanghai 63.15 4,500 284,175.00 0.10
HUALI INDUSTRIAL GROUP CO 300979 C2 Shenzhen 68.74 3,000 206,220.00 0.08
JASON FURNITURE HANGZHOU C 603816 C1 Shanghai 27.38 4,800 131,424.00 0.05
ZHEJIANG SUPOR CO LTD 002032 C2 Shenzhen 52.97 2,000 105,940.00 0.04
SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNAT 600754 C1 Shanghai 26.53 3,600 95,508.00 0.04
Holdings are subject to change. Cash, where shown, includes other assets and liabilities, such as payables and receivables.

Tracking Difference / Error

Tracking Difference / Tracking Error

Tracking Difference
Tracking difference is the return difference between the Fund and the Underlying Index over a certain period of time.
Tracking Error
Tracking error measures how consistently the Fund follows the Underlying Index. It is the volatility (measured by standard deviation) of that return difference.

Tracking Difference (TD)

Fund Listing Date:17 Jan 2020

Rolling 1 Year TD: N/A

TD for Calendar Year 2022:-0.57%

TD for Calendar Year 2021:-0.84%

Tracking Error (TE)

Fund Listing Date:17 Jan 2020

Rolling 1 Year TE^ :-%

^ Annualized based on the number of dealing days in the past year when daily TD is calculated.

Graph for Tracking Difference

ETFs performance is calculated on an NAV to NAV basis and assumes reinvestment of distribution.

Hover over the chart points for details

Market Makers 6

Flow Traders Hong Kong Limited

Mirae Asset Securities (HK) Limited

Participating Dealers 7

China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited

Haitong International Securities Company Limited

Mirae Asset Securities (HK) Limited

Yuanta Securities (Hong Kong) Company Limited

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The information contained in this website is for information purposes only and does not, constitute any recommendations, offer or solicitation to buy, sell or subscribe to any securities or financial instruments in any jurisdiction. Investment involves risk. It cannot be guaranteed that the performance of the Product will generate a return and there may be circumstances where no return is generated or the amount invested is lost. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Before making any investment decision to invest in the Product, investors should read the Product’s prospectus for details and the risk factors. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with the Product and should also consider their own investment objective and risk tolerance level. Investors are advised to seek independent professional advice before making any investments.

Certain information contained in this website is compiled from third party sources. Whilst Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited (“Mirae Asset HK”), the Manager of the Product, has, to the best of its endeavor, ensured that such, information is accurate, complete and up-to-date, and has taken care in accurately reproducing the information. Mirae Asset HK accepts no liability for, any loss or damage of any kind resulting out of the unauthorized use of this website.

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